Sam Smith – Writing’s On The Wall

Writing’s on the Wall, by Sam Smith, from 007 Spectre, 88th (2015) Academy Award for Best Original Song Nominees.

Spectre poster:





Live On The Graham Norton Show:


I’ve been here before
But always hit the floor
I’ve spent a lifetime running
And I always get away
But with you I’m feeling something
That makes me want to stay

I’m prepared for this
I never shoot to miss
But I feel like a storm is coming
If I’m gonna make it through the day
Then there’s no more use in running
This is something I gotta face

If I risk it all
Could you break my fall?

How do I live? How do I breathe?
When you’re not here I’m suffocating
I want to feel love, run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up?
For you I have to risk it all
Cause the writing’s on the wall

A million shards of glass
That haunt me from my past
As the stars begin to gather
And the light begins to fade
When all hope begins to shatter
Know that I won’t be afraid

If I risk it all
Could you break my fall?

How do I live? How do I breathe?
When you’re not here I’m suffocating
I want to feel love, run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up?
For you I have to risk it all
Cause the writing’s on the wall

The writing’s on the wall

How do I live? How do I breathe?
When you’re not here I’m suffocating
I want to feel love, run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up?
How do I live? How do I breathe?
When you’re not here I’m suffocating
I want to feel love, run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up?
For you I have to risk it all
Cause the writing’s on the wall

cdnjs git repositories visualization using gource

Gource is a famous version control visualization tool, supports git, svn, hgbzr and cvs2cl, I tried to use gource to visualize the CDNJS development history, and here are the videos I uploaded to youtube.

CDNJS main repository:

CDNJS new-website repository:


Raspberry Pi (1) Model B+ basic benchmarks

hmmmm … I’ve made some simple and basic benchmarks on Roseapple Pi and Raspberry Pi 2, so here come the very late benchmarks(HardinfosysbenchPHP benchmark Script) on the first generation Raspberry Pi. Actually, I bought the Raspberry Pi Model B very early, and the experience about the performance of it is not so good, to do some benchmarks is just for understanding the performance difference.

I’m using Model B+ here, which has the same chip Broadcom BCM2835 as Model be does, although it has larger main memory than Model A+, due to the benchmarks are very simple, and focus on CPU, so I don’t expect a notable performance difference between model A+ and B+(or model B).

The post about Roseapple Pi benchmark:

The post about Raspberry Pi 2 model B benchmark:

In this post, the platform is Raspberry Pi (1st gen) model B+ using Raspbian Jessie.

The info of the Raspbian image I used:

Version: February 2016
Release date: 2016-02-09
Kernel version: 4.1

Here are the test results:

PHP benchmark Script using PHP 5.6.17:

|        PHP BENCHMARK SCRIPT        |
Start : 2016-02-23 16:52:32
Server : @
PHP version : 5.6.17-0+deb8u1
Platform : Linux
test_math                 : 58.099 sec.
test_stringmanipulation   : 60.542 sec.
test_loops                : 14.272 sec.
test_ifelse               : 9.324 sec.
Total time:               : 142.237 sec.

PHP benchmark Script using PHP 7.0.3:

|        PHP BENCHMARK SCRIPT        |
Start : 2016-02-23 17:38:50
Server : @
PHP version : 7.0.3-3
Platform : Linux
test_math                 : 16.502 sec.
test_stringmanipulation   : 21.361 sec.
test_loops                : 6.884 sec.
test_ifelse               : 4.747 sec.
Total time:               : 49.494 sec.

sysbench v0.4.12 single thread:
(Raspberry Pi 1st gen has only one core, so no multi threads benchmark here)

$ sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run

sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 1

Doing CPU performance benchmark

Threads started!

Maximum prime number checked in CPU test: 20000

Test execution summary:
    total time:                          1331.8571s
    total number of events:              10000
    total time taken by event execution: 1331.7993
    per-request statistics:
         min:                                132.02ms
         avg:                                133.18ms
         max:                                274.74ms
         approx.  95 percentile:             138.84ms

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           10000.0000/0.00
    execution time (avg/stddev):   1331.7993/0.00


Raspberry Pi 2 model B basic benchmarks

Just want to compare Raspberry Pi 2’s performance with Roseapple Pi’s, not only which one is faster, but also how faster, so I just did the same basic benchmarks on Raspberry Pi 2, and maybe will also do the same benchmarks (Hardinfo 、sysbench、PHP benchmark Script) on the 1st generation of Raspberry Pi.

Roseapple Pi benchmark:

The platform is Raspberry Pi 2 model B using Raspbian Jessie, no Android this time.
Full desktop image based on Debian Jessie

Version: February 2016
Release date: 2016-02-09
Kernel version: 4.1


PHP benchmark Script using PHP 5.6.17:

Start : 2016-02-23 22:47:00
Server : @
PHP version : 5.6.17-0+deb8u1
Platform : Linux
test_math : 15.713 sec.
test_stringmanipulation : 16.238 sec.
test_loops : 8.794 sec.
test_ifelse : 6.379 sec.
Total time: : 47.124 sec.

PHP benchmark Script using PHP 7.0.3 (Using Raspbian testing repository):

Start : 2016-02-23 23:03:53
Server : @
PHP version : 7.0.3-3
Platform : Linux
test_math : 4.325 sec.
test_stringmanipulation : 6.012 sec.
test_loops : 4.241 sec.
test_ifelse : 2.784 sec.
Total time: : 17.362 sec.


sysbench v0.4.12 single thread:

$ sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run
sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 1

Doing CPU performance benchmark

Threads started!

Maximum prime number checked in CPU test: 20000

Test execution summary:
    total time:                          764.9781s
    total number of events:              10000
    total time taken by event execution: 764.9617
    per-request statistics:
         min:                                 76.40ms
         avg:                                 76.50ms
         max:                                 92.16ms
         approx.  95 percentile:              76.50ms

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           10000.0000/0.00
    execution time (avg/stddev):   764.9617/0.00
